葉純妤 教授


Wang Ching-Yi




(04) 24730022 12392


正心樓11 1151F





國立成功大學 醫學工程研究所 博士



Ø   中山醫學大學 物理治療學系 主任

Ø   台中市立復健醫院 物理治療部 物理治療師


Ø   神經物理治療

Ø   醫學工程

Ø   復健科技輔具


Ø   物理治療導論

Ø   物理治療評估學及實習

Ø   物理治療專題討論




1.          HC Lo, KH Tsai, CY Yeh, GL Chang, FC Su*. 2008, Evaluation of functional electrical stimulation-assisted leg-propelled wheelchair in hemiplegic patients. Clinical Biomechanics. (in press)--- (SCI, IF:1.642, 23.6%, sport sciences)

2.          HC Lo, KH Tsai, GL Chang, FC Su, CY Yeh*. 2008, Effects of a functional electrical stimulation assisted leg-cycling wheelchair in reducing the muscle tone of patients with stroke. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. (accepted) --- (SCI, IF:1.951, 13.9%, sport sciences)  

3.          KH Tsai, CY Yeh, HC Lo, CT Li, CP Cheng and GL Chang. 2007, Application of quality function deployment in design of mobile assistive devices. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering. (accepted)--- (EI)

4.          WD Chang, JH Wu, JA Jiang, CY Yeh, CT Tsai. 2007, Carpal tunnel syndrome treated with 830nm diodes laser: a controlled treatment on transverse carpal ligament. Photomedicine and laser surgery. (submitted) --- (SCI, IF:1.230, 28/139, 20%)

5.          KH Tsai, CY Yeh, HC Lo. 2007, A novel design and clinical evaluation of a wheelchair for stroke patients. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (in press)--- (SCI, IF:0.628, 14/33, 42%) 

6.          CY Yeh, JJ Chen, KH Tsai. Quantifying the effectiveness of the sustained muscle stretching treatments in stroke patients with ankle hypertonia. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 17:453–461, 2007.--- (SCI, IF:1.333, 30/72, 41.7%, sport sciences)

7.          KH Tsai, CY Yeh, HC Lo, SH Lin. Controllability and physiological evaluation of three unilaterally-propelled wheelchairs for patients with hemiplegia, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 39:693-697, 2007. --- (SCI, IF:1.951, 6/27, 22.2%)

8.          Hwang IS, Tung LC, Yang JF, Chen YC, Yeh CY, Wang CH.  Electromyographical analyses of joint-dependent global synkinesis in the paretic upper limb after stroke. Physical Therapy 85(8);755-765,2005. --- (SCI, IF:2.152, 4/27, 14.8%)

9.          CY Yeh, KH Tsai, JJ Chen. Effects of prolonged muscle stretching with constant torque or constant-angle on hypertonic calf muscles. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 86;235-241,2005 --- (SCI, IF:1.8141, 12/72, 16.7%, sport sciences)

10.      CY Yeh, JJ Chen, KH Tsai. Quantitative analysis of ankle hypertonia after prolonged stretch in subjects with stroke. J Neurosci Meth, 137(2):305-314, 2004. --- (SCI, IF:1.884, 138/211, neuroscience, 65.4%)

11.      KH Lin, KE Ooi, SF Wang, CY Yeh. Mechanisms and assessment of hypertonia reflex and non-reflex components. FJPT, 29:110-119, 2004.

12.      KH Tsai, CY Yeh, JJ Chen: Effects of a Single Session of Prolonged Muscle Stretch on Spastic Muscle Proceedings of the National Science Council R.O.C., 25(2): 76-81, 2001.

13.      CH Wang, YC Chen, CY Yeh, JF Yang, CL Hsieh. The psychometric characteristics of assessment tools for stroke patients at physical therapy departments in medical centers. FJPT, 25:215-222,2000.

14.      CL Chen, KT Yeung, CH Wang, HT Chu, CY Yeh. Anterior Ankle-Foot Orthosis on Postural Stability in Hemiplegic Patients Arch Phys Med Rehabil 80:1587-1592, 1999. --- (SCI)




1.          CY Yeh, JJ Chen, KH Tsai. 2006, Comparing three modalities of sustained muscle stretching treatments for suppression of ankle hypertonia in hemiplegic patients., P.79, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

2.          HC Lo, WL Hsieh, CY Yeh, KL Chang, KH Tsai, 2006, Effects of hypertonia in stroke patients using leg propelling wheelchair, Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, P.79, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

3.          CP Cheng, KH Tsai, CY Yeh, HC Lo, KL Chang, 2006, Design and development of multi-function powered-assisted wheelchair, Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, P.79~80, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

4.          KH Tsai, CY Yeh, TH Lin, TC Lyu, CP Cheng, HC Lo, CC Chen, 2006, Design and development of man-machine interface for FES-Based cycling system, Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, P.81, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

5.          CT Li, YT Cheng, TC Lyu, TH Lin, CY Yeh, KH Tsai, 2006, Demand of long-distance movement vehicle for wheelchair users, Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, P.82, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

6.          KH Tsai, KH Chen, CY Yeh, CT Li, WY Tsai, HH Chang, 2006, A study on the man-machine-environment interface design of the gait trainer for stroke patients , Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, P.120, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

7.          YT Cheng, CT Li, TH Lin, TC Lyu, KH Tsai, CY Yeh, CT Chiou, 2006, Application of QFD on the planning of assistive device for clinical patient transfer , Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, P.120~121, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

8.          CY Yeh, WY Tsai, CT Li, HH Chang, KH Chen, TP Wang, KH Tsai, 2006, The clinical satisfaction survey of interface design for two gait training , Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, P.121, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

9.          HC Lo, KH Tsai, CY Yeh, GL Chang, 2006, Physiological cost index of hemiplegic patient propelling-- a new wheelchair with FES, 15th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, ICMMB-15th , Disc version F5.2, P0349, 2006, Singapore

10.      KH Tsai, CY Yeh, HC Lo, GL Chang, 2006, Design and evaluation of unilateral-propelled wheelchair for stroke patients, 15th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, ICMMB-15th, Disc version F5.2, P0349, 2006, Singapore

11.      CY Yeh, JJ Chen, KH Tsai. 2005, Comparing three modalities of prolonged muscle stretching treatments in suppression of ankle hypertonia, 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, Disc in Rehabilitation Engineering section No.1670, Prague, Czech Republic

12.      KH Tsai, CY Yeh, HC Lo. 2005, Application of concurrent systematic design on assistive technology-- a new wheelchair design for stroke patient, 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, Disc in Rehabilitation Engineering section No.1763, Prague, Czech Republic

13.      HC Lo, KH Tsai, CY Yeh, SY Lin,GL Chang, 2005, Evaluation of the unilateral-operated wheelchair in cardiopulmonary test, 中華民國九十四年度醫學工程年會,光碟版(科技輔具B3-006),中原大學,中壢

14.      蔡昆宏、郭聰源、駱信昌、鄭展鵬、葉純妤2005,福祉車輪椅收納機構之設計與開發,中華民國九十四年度醫學工程年會,光碟版(科技輔具P3-068),中原大學,中壢

15.      蔡昆宏、張冠諒、駱信昌、鄭展鵬、葉純妤2005,助動式輪椅之研發與評估,中華民國九十四年度醫學工程年會,光碟版(科技輔具NSC-P-084),中原大學,中壢

16.      蔡昆宏、郭聰源、林聰益、葉純妤、陳建旭、王斌良,20039月,中風偏癱患者單側操控輪椅之設計研發與評估,中華民國九十二年度醫學工程年會,光碟片(科技輔具P-E-55),陽明大學,台北

17.      KH Tsai, CY Yeh, W Shih, JJ Chen, 14-15 Dec., 2002, Effects on Spasticity of the SCI Patients withFES-Cycling Assistive Device. Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, P. 31-32,I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

18.      CY Yeh, KH Tsai, JJ Chen. Effects on spasticity of the SCI patients with FES-cycling assistive device. 12th Nordic Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 18-22, 2002

19.      CY Yeh, KH Tsai, JJ Chen: The Use of a Quantitative Treatment and Evaluation Device on Spasticity. 43rd AcademicConference of the Physical Therapy Association of the ROC. 2001

20.      CY Yeh, KH Tsai, JJ Chen: Effects of Prolonged Muscle Stretch on Spasticity by An Assessment/Treatment System. 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2001

21.      CY Yeh, PH Wang, HY Chang, KH Tsai, JJ Chen. Development of a device for prolonged stretch: treatment and quantitative assessment of spasticity. 22nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago, USA, July 23-28, 2000.

22.      CY Yeh, KH Tsai, JJ Chen: Quantitative Treatment and Evaluation of Spasticity by A PMS Assessment/Treatment System. Annual Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society R.O.C. 2000 --- NSC89-2320-B-212-001-M08

23.      CY Yeh, KH Tsai, JJ Chen: Quantitative Analysis of Prolonged Stretch on Spastic Muscle: Development of a Device for Quantitative and Treatment Assessment of Spasticity. Chicago 2000 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2000 --- NSC88-2314-B-040-029

24.      PH Wang, CY Yeh, HY Chang, KH Tsai, JJ Chen: Development of a Device for Prolonged Muscle Stretch Treatment and for Quantitative Assessment of Spasticity. Annual Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society R.O.C. 1999 --- NSC88-2314-B-040-029

25.      CY Yeh, RW Wang, PY Chiang: Evaluate the Effects of Prolonged Muscle Stretch on Motor Neuron Excitability with Spastic Hemplegia. Annual Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society R.O.C. 1997




1.          張冠諒、駱信昌、蔡昆宏、葉純妤、鄭展鵬,具復健功能的輪椅傳動機構(),發明專利公告:2008367102008/09/16

2.          張冠諒、駱信昌、蔡昆宏、葉純妤、鄭展鵬,具復健功能的輪椅傳動機構(),發明專利公告:2008367112008/09/16




1.          葉純妤. Jun, 1994 Evaluate the Effects of Prolonged Muscle Stretch on Motor Neuron Excitability with Spastic Hemiplegia. 碩士論文, 私立中山醫學院, 台灣

2.          葉純妤. 擺位與轉位法。蘇美滿編著:護理復健護理學。永大書局,台北,2002

3.          Yeh CY. (2004, 06) Biomechanical Quantification of Spasticity Inhibition of Human Soleus after Stretching. Ph.D. dissertation, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University